AHT Enterprise Fund
The Mayfield Valley Arts Trust was founded over 30 years ago by Tony and 'Scilla Thornton to support music making in Yorkshire, in particular the Sheffield Chamber Music Festival.
The Trust has now established a risk fund, the AHT Enterprise Fund, named after Tony Thornton, to broaden the scope of its work within the current policy guidelines and, in particular, to fund new initiatives.
The AHT Enterprise Fund usually makes 2/3 awards a year.
Applications will only be accepted which support the Trust’s main objectives as below.
Applications will be accepted to seed fund projects which might lead to a more substantial application in the future.
The AHT Enterprise Fund welcomes applications from organisations which have yet to establish a funding relationship with MVAT.
The Trust is inviting expressions of interest for funding from the AHT Enterprise Fund, following which Trustees will invite a shortlist of organisations to make formal applications.
The Objectives of the Trust are:
- to support those organisations which are committed to helping young artists of recognised potential, by offering them a platform/audience which otherwise they would have difficulty in achieving;
- to support those organisations that specialise in education through music, including SEND schools.
The Trust will not provide funding for the education of individual students.
The Trust will not fund the purchase of musical instruments for individuals, schools or organisations.
The Trust will not support capital appeals.
Applications will only be accepted from organisations which have charitable status and a proven record of good governance and sound management.
The opening date for applications for financial year 2025/26 is 1/7/2024. The closing date is 1/10/24.